The CLARA project will be present on the 6th Central European Biomass Conference. The conference will take place from the 22nd to the 24th of January in Graz, Austria. Two partners of CLARA willl make presentations on Chemical Looping Gasification, the core of the project’s concept.
Chemical Looping Gasification – A novel process for the sustainable production of biofuels
Speaker: Paul Dieringer, Technische Universität Darmstadt (TUDA)
Session: Parallel Session 1- Polygeneration und Green fuels. Room 5, 13:30 – 15:00
Biomass chemical looping gasification (BCLG) using ilmenite as oxygen carrier
Speaker: Francisco García-Libiano, Instituto de Carboquimica del CSIC
Session: Parallel Session 7 – Thermochemical and thermocatalytical processes. Room 7, 15:30 – 17:30
More information concerning the event can be found at https://www.cebc.at/oesterreichischer_biomasse-verband/6_mitteleuropaeische_biomassekonferenz_cebc_2020/