Second Public Workshop
- The CLARA consortium cordially invites you to participate in the “Enabling the Clean Energy Transition with 2nd Generation Biofuels” held on the 25th April 2023 from 9:00 – 16:00 CEST.
- The expert workshop will be organized as a hybrid event featuring speakers from politics, research, and industry, a panel discussion, and a pilot plant visit.
- By joining in person you will have the chance to take part in the Q&A sessions after presentations, the panel discussion, and the pilot plant visit.
- As online participent, you can follow the presentations and panel discussion.
- A full workshop agenda is given below.
Workshop Video
You can watch the full workshop below.
CLARA Overview
J. Ströhle – TU Darmstadt
CLARA Pilot Testing
F. Marx – TU Darmstadt
CLARA Commercial Process Design Concept
F. Buschsieweke – RWE, N. Detsios – CERTH
CLARA Techno-Economic Assessment
C. Brandoni – Ulster University
CLARA Life Cycle Assessment
F. Bermeo– CENER
Jet fuel production from residues and wastes via hydrothermal liquefaction: Results and perspectives from the EU projects HyFlexFuel and CIRCULAIR
V. Batteiger – Bauhaus-Luftfahrt
Gasification as key enabling technology for advanced biofuels
N. Dahmen – ETIP Bioenergy
The HTW gasification technology and its application to solid waste materials
D. Toporov – GIDARA
Panel Discussion: Enabling the Clean Energy Transition with 2nd Generation Biofuels
Panelists: J. Adanez – CSIC, C. Aichernig – Aichernif Engineering, E. Coda – Sumitomo SHI FW, N. Dahmen – KIT. Moderator: P. Dieringer – TU Darmstadt
Pilot Plant Visit
B. Epple – TU Darmstadt
The registration for the workshop is closed. Thank you for your participation!

Save the Date

First Public Workshop
- The CLARA consortium cordially invites you to participate in the “Expert Workshop on Innovative Synthesis Routes for 2nd Generation Biofuels” held on the 22nd April 2021 from 9:45 – 12:45 CEST.
- The expert workshop will be organized as an online event featuring speakers from politics, research, and industry. You will have the chance to learn more about current endeavors towards carbon neutral and socially viable road transport fuels synthesized from biomass residues. Join for free by registering below.
- Each session will feature an exclusive Q&A session, where you will have the chance to ask your questions to all speakers. A full workshop agenda is given below.
Workshop Video
You can watch the full workshop below.
R&I policy on bioenergy and biofuels: the European viewpoint
T. Schleker – European Commission
The role of gasification technologies in 2nd generation biofuels value chains from an industry perspective
C. Aichernig – Aichernig Engineering
Interest & potential of 2nd generation biofuels in petro-chemistry from an industry perspective
J. Lederer – Orlen UniCRE
Compact gasification and synthesis process for biofuels: Outcomes from COMSYN project
J. Kihlmann – VTT
Development of a concept for pre-treatment of straw
I. Funcia – CENER
Oxygen carrier selection for chemical looping gasification of biomass based on the results of continuously operated units in the kW-range
A. Soleimani – Chalmers University
Innovative H2O2-based sour gas cleaning concept – basic ideas and status
F. Buschsieweke – RWE
Preparation of a 1 MWth pilot plant for full-chain 2nd generation biofuel production tests based on chemical looping gasification
F. Marx – TU Darmstadt
Q+A Session
You can find all question & answers from the Q+A sessions here.
Alternatively, you can find elaborate answers to most of the questions in the workshop recording (Session 1: 1:21:00 ; Session 2: 3:17:00)
The registration for the workshop is closed. Thank you for your participation!
Click here to view the workshop final agenda.
Workshop Flyer

In case you have any questions contact us.