The laboratory of Chemical Reaction Engineering and Fluidization Dynamics (CRE&FD) at UNIVAQ has been active in fluidized bed biomass gasification research for about 25 years. Research and innovation projects at lab and pilot scale have been carried out, funded by the European Union and bilateral Organizations. Different subject areas relevant to this project have been cultivated and developed actively, at the level of both theoretical and experimental research investigations and professional activities (industrial contracts). In particular, the following list presents the main areas of expertise:
a) Catalytic biomass steam gasification,
b) Fluid-dynamic behavior of fluidized bed chemical reactors, under high temperature and pressure conditions, and
c) CFD simulation of fluidized bed equipment and heterogeneous reaction systems.
Bench-scale fluidized-bed rigs are available, able to operate in a steady state up to 950°C, which will be utilized for experimental investigations included in the work program of this project. The laboratories involved in this project at L’Aquila and the nearby Teramo Universities are also well equipped with various measurement and analytical instruments, including on-line gas analysis (IR, FID and TCD detectors) and dynamic pressure measurements inside the reactor, GC-MS tar measurements. Standard particle characterization equipment is also available.